2022: Ken Ogao Obura

Socioeconomic And Ecological Impacts Of Community Conservancies: A Case Study Of Naibunga Community Conservancy In Laikipia County, Kenya (MSc candidate Registered at Egerton University)An Ex-Ante Assessment of the Socio-Ecological Implications of Communal Land Certification in Pastoral Areas of The Borana Zone in Southern Ethiopia (PhD candidate Registered at the University of Nairobi)

2022: Brian Britex Owoyesigire

Pastoralists Adaptation Strategies to Climate Variability And Extremes In the Pastoral Rangelands Of Uganda (Phd Candidate Registered At Makerere)

2022: Josephat Murunga Mungoche

Brachiaria Brizantha Cv. Xaraes Yields And Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Fertilized Humic Nitisols Of Central Kenya (MSc candidate Registered at the University of Nairobi)

2021: Trinity Senda

An Ex-Ante Assessment of the Socio-Ecological Implications of Communal Land Certification in Pastoral Areas of The Borana Zone in Southern Ethiopia (PhD candidate Registered at the University of Nairobi)

2021: Sherril Phyllis Masudi

Effects of Domestic and Wild Herbivores on Vegetation Response to Controlled Burning in an East African Savanna (MSC. candidate Registered at the University of Nairobi)

2020: Jan van der Lee

Understanding dairy commercialization evolving market linkages, transition, and resilience of dairy farming in the East African highlands (Ph.D. candidate Registered at the Wageningen University, Netherlands).

2019: Justin Okwir

Coping and Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change Drought Effects by Agro-Pastoralist and Smallholder Farmers in Kaabong District, Uganda”(MSc candidate Registered at the University of Nairobi, Institute for Climate Change and Adaptation (ICCA)).

2019: Peter Musyoka Kithuka

Impacts of Livestock Diseases on Incomes/Livelihoods in Kyuso Sub-County of Kitui County. (MSc. Student Registered at South Eastern Kenya University).

2018: Mary Wanjiru Warui

Analysis of conditions for potenial geographical indication labelling of Kenya honeys: Quality traits, polllitation service and actors‘ initiatives (PhD candidate Registered at the University of Nairobi)

2018: Ambrose Buyinza Wabwire

Seasonal Variability of Herbage Biomass Resources for Grazers in Karamoja Sub-region” (MSc. Candidate Registered at Makerere University)

2018: Mwasi Gladwell Mwemba:

The Contribution of Livestock to the Livelihoods of Urban and Peri-Urban Residents in Nairobi County” (MSc candidate Registered at the University of Nairobi)

2016: Sarah Akello

Restoration of Degraded Watershed: The Case of Awoja, Eastern Uganda“ (PhD. Candidate Registered at Makerere University)

2017: Daniel Onyango Ouma

Socio-Economic Analysis of Factors Influencing Pastoral Livelihoods and Food Security Among Turkana Pastoralists of Northern Kenya (MSc candidate Registered at the University of Nairobi)

2017: Damalie Akwango

Determinants of an Effective Drought Early Warning System in Semi-Arid Areas of Uganda” (PhD. Candidate Registered at Makerere University)

2016: Ayodotun Oluwafemi Bobadoye

Vulnerability Assessment of Maasai Pastoralists Under Changing Climatic Condition and their Adaptation Strategies in Kajiado” (PhD candidate Registered at the University of Nairobi, Institute for Climate Change and Adaptation (ICCA))

2016: Betty Mbolanyi

The Potential of Rangelands for Improving Household Food Security in a Cattle Corridor Area in Uganda” (MSc. Candidate Registered at Makerere University)

2016: Mutavi Silvester Kyalo

Determinants of Adoption of Forage Technologies among Peri-Urban Dairy Farmers in the Semi-Arid Region of South Eastern Kenya” (MSc. Student Registered at South Eastern Kenya University)

2015: Carolyn Karwitha Kanyuru

Dynamism, Value of Ecosystem Services and Adaptation to Socio-Economic and Ecological Challenges of Pastoralists’ Institutional Arrangements in Northern Rangelands of Kenya” (PhD candidate Registered at the University of Nairobi)

2014: Patrick Mwambi Mwanyumba

Trade, Herd Dynamics, Utilization and Value Addition of Indigenous Livestock of Northern Kenya” (PhD candidate Registered at the University of Nairobi)

2014: Oscar Kipchirchir Koech

Comparative Growth and Interspecific Competition Responses of Six Range Grasses to Varying Soil Moisture Content in Kenyan Rangelands” (PhD candidate Registered at the University of Nairobi)

College of Agriculture & Veterinary Science, University of Nairobi
African Dryland Institute for Sustainability , University of Nairobi