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Temporal relationship between climate variability, Prosopis juliflora invasion and livestock numbers in the drylands of Magadi, Kenya.

Papers in refereed journals
Kyuma R. K., Wahome R. G., Kinama J. M. and V. O. Wasonga.
African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (Accepted for publication in April, 2016)

Value chain analysis of grass seeds in the drylands of Baringo County, Kenya: A producers’ perspective.

Papers in refereed journals
Klerkson Okomboli Lugusa, Oliver Vivian Wasonga, Yazan Ahmed Elhadi and Todd Andrew Crane
. Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice (2016) 6:6

Moving in and out of poverty: A case of the Somali and Turkana of northern Kenya.

Papers in refereed journals
Watete Wekondi Patrick, Kogi-Makau Wambui, Njoka Jesse Theuri, MacOpiyo Laban Adero, Oliver Vivian Wasonga
Nomadic Peoples, Volume 20, Number 1, 2016, pp. 123-140(18)

Determinants of perceptions of climate change and adaptation among Turkana pastoralists in northwestern Kenya.

Papers in refereed journals
Francis Opiyo, Oliver V. Wasonga, Moses M. Nyangito, Stephen M. Mureithi, Joy Obando and Richard Munang
Climate and Development, 2015.

Abundance and Diversity of Native Forage Species in Pastoral Karamoja Sub-Region, Uganda.

Papers in refereed journals
Egeru, Anthony; Wasonga, Oliver; MacOpiyo, Laban; Mburu John; Majaliwa, Mwanjalolo G.J.
. African Study Monographs 36(4): 261-296.

Characterization of enclosure management regimes and factors influencing their choice among agropastoralists in North-Western Kenya

Papers in refereed journals
John Ndung’u Wairore, Stephen Mwangi Mureithi, Oliver Vivian Wasonga and Gert Nyberg
Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice (2015) 5:14 DOI 10.1186/s13570-015-0036-7

Economic contribution of the pastoral meat trade in Isiolo Town, Kenya.

Papers in refereed journals
Benard Chira Gituku, Oliver Vivian Wasonga and Robinson Kinuthia Ngugi
IIED Country Report. IIED, London. ISBN: 978-1-78431-153-7.

Enclosing the commons: reasons for the adoption and adaptation of enclosures in the arid and semi-arid rangelands of Chepareria, Kenya

Papers in refereed journals
John N. Wairore, Stephen M. Mureithi, Oliver V. Wasonga and Gert Nyberg
SpringerPlus (2015) 4:595 DOI 10.1186/s40064-015-1390-

Determinants of forage availability: An integration of remote sensing and traditional ecological knowledge in Karamoja Sub-region, Uganda.

Papers in refereed journals
Anthony Egeru, Oliver Wasonga, Laban MacOpiyo, John Mburu, Elhadi Yazan, Mwanjalolo G.J. Majaliwa and Yazidhi Bamutaze.
Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice. MS: 5111428512265417 (Accepted for publication in September, 2015).

Benefits derived from rehabilitating a degraded semi-arid rangeland in private enclosures in west Pokot County, Kenya.

Papers in refereed journals
John N. Wairore, Stephen M. Mureithi, Oliver V. Wasonga, Gert Nyberg
Land Degradation & Development. DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2420.

Drought Adaptation and Coping Strategies among the Turkana Pastoralists of Northern Kenya.

Papers in refereed journals
Francis Opiyo, Oliver V. Wasonga, Moses M. Nyangito, Janpeter Schilling, Richard Munang
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science. DOI 10.1007/s13753-015-0063-4..

Economic contribution of the camel milk trade in Isiolo Town, Kenya.

Papers in refereed journals
Margaret Waithera Mwaura, Oliver Vivian Wasonga, Yazan A M Elhadi and Robinson Kinuthia Ngugi
IIED Country Report. IIED, London. ISBN: 978-1-78431-152-0.

Piospheric influence on forage species composition & abundance in semi-arid Karamoja sub-region, Uganda.

Papers in refereed journals
Anthony Egeru, Oliver Wasonga, Laban MacOpiyo, John Mburu, John Tabuti, Majaliwa Mwanjalolo.
Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice. 5:12 DOI 10.1186/s13570-015-0032-y.

Global occurrence of anti-infectives in contaminated surface waters: Impact of income inequality between countries.

Papers in refereed journals
Pedro A. Segura, Hideshige Takada, José A. Corre, Karim El Saadi, Tatsuya Koike, SiawOnwona-Agyeman, John Ofosu-Anime, Edward Benjamin Sabi, Oliver V.Wasonga, Joseph M.Mghalu, Antonio Manuel dos Santos Junior, Brent Newman, Steven Weerts, Viviane Yargeau.
Environmental International. 80 (2015) 89-97.

Economic and nutritional contribution of camel milk in Northern Kenya

Papers in refereed journals
Yazan A M Elhadi and Oliver V. Wasonga
IIED Country Report. IIED, London. ISBN: 978-1-78431-154-4.

Land Conversion Dynamics in the Borana Rangelands of Southern Ethiopia: An Integrated Assessment Using Remote Sensing Techniques and Field Survey Data.

Papers in refereed journals
Michael Elias, Oliver Hensel, Uwe Richter , Christian Hülsebusch, Brigitte Kaufmann and Oliver Wasonga.
Environments 2015, 2, 1-31; doi:10.3390/environments2010001. ISSN 2076-3298

Trend Analysis of Rainfall and Temperature Variability in Arid Environment of Turkana, Kenya.

Papers in refereed journals
Francis Opiyo, Moses Nyangito, Oliver Vivian Wasonga and Phillip Omondi,
Environmental Research Journal, 8: 30-43.

Assessment of Shoreline Changes in the Period 1969-2010 in Watamu area, Kenya

Papers in refereed journals
Fikir Alemayehu, Onwonga Richard, Mwangi James Kinyanjui & Wasonga Oliver V.
. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research: H Environment & Earth Science. Volume 14 Issue 6 Version 1.0 Year 2014. Online ISSN: 2249-4626 & Print ISSN: 0975-5896.

Measuring household vulnerability to climate-induced stresses in pastoral rangelands of Kenya: Implications for resilience programming.

Papers in refereed journals
Francis Opiyo, Oliver V. Wasonga and Moses Nyangito
Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice 2014, 4:10

Assessing the spatio-temporal climate variability in semi-Arid Karamoja sub-region in north eastern Uganda.

Papers in refereed journals
Egeru Anthony, Osaliya Richard, MacOpiyo Laban, Mburu John, Wasonga Oliver Barasa Bernard Said Mohammed, Aleper Daniel and Majaliwa Mwanjalolo Gilbert Jackson.
International Journal of Environmental Studies DOI: 10.1080/00207233.2014.919729.

. Impact of enclosure management on soil properties and microbial biomass in a restored semi-arid rangeland, Kenya.

Papers in refereed journals
Stephen M Mureithi, Ann Verdoodt, Charles KK Gachene, Jesse T Njoka, Vivian O Wasonga, Stefaan De Neve, Elizabeth Meyerhoff, Eric Van Ranst.
Journal of Arid Land, doi: 10.1007/s40333-014-0065-x.

Assessing Socio-Ecological Change Dynamics using Local Knowledge in the semi-arid lowlands of Baringo District, Kenya

Papers in refereed journals
Wasonga, V.O., D.M. Nyariki and R.K. Ngugi.
Environmental Research Journal, 5 (1): 11 -17.

Factors Influencing Transient Poverty among Agro-pastoralists Semi-Arid areas of Kenya.

Papers in refereed journals
Yazan A.M. Elhadi, D.M. Nyariki, V.O. Wasonga and W.N. Ekaya
African Crop Science Journal, Vol. 20, Issue Supplement s1, pp. 113 - 122 ISSN 1021-9730/2012

Resource-based Conflicts in Drought-prone North-western Kenya: The Drivers and Mitigation Mechanisms.

Papers in refereed journals
Opiyo, F.E.O., Wasonga, V.O. JanPeter, S. Mureithi, SM
Wudpecker Journal of Agricultural Research, 1(11): 442 – 453.

Spatio-temporal dynamics of forage and land cover changes in Karamoja sub-region, Uganda.

Papers in refereed journals
Anthony Egeru, Oliver Wasonga, Joseph Kyagulanyi, GJ Mwanjalolo Majaliwa, Laban MacOpiyo and John Mburu.
Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice, 4:6

Livelihoods under Climate Variability and Change: An analysis of the Adaptive capacity of Rural Poor to water Scarcity in Kenya’s Drylands.

Papers in refereed journals
Mwang’ombe, A.W., W.N. Ekaya, W.M. Muiru, V.O. Wasonga, W.N. Mnene, P. Monga’re and S.W. Chege
. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, ISSN 1994-7887/DOI: 3923/JEST.2011.

Effect of Balanites glabra canopy cover on grass production, organic matter and soil moisture in a southern Kenya rangeland

Papers in refereed journals
Wasonga, V.O., R.K. Ngugi, D.M. Nyariki, G. Kironchi and T.J. Njoka
African Journal for Range and Forage Science, 20 (3): 265–270.

Traditional Range Condition and Trend Assessment: Lessons from the Pokot and Il Chamus

Papers in refereed journals
Wasonga, V.O., R.K. Ngugi and A. Kitalyi.
Pastoralists of Kenya Anthropologist, 5 (2): 79-87

Vegetation resources and their economic importance in Isiolo County, Kenya

Papers in refereed journals
Oliver Vivian Wasonga, John Musembi, Kennedy Rotich, Ibrahim Jarso, Caroline King-Okumu
IIED, London. ISBN: 978-1-78431-247-3 (In press)

Community-Based Natural Resource Management. In: Ochola, W., P. Sanginga and I. Bekelo (Eds.).

Books and Book Chapters
Wasonga, V.O., D. Kambewa and N. Ngece.
Managing Natural Resources for Development in Africa: A Resource Book. University of Nairobi Press.‎

Ecological, socio-economic and livelihood differentiation of Kenya’s Lembus forest proximate communities: The case of the Tugen and Lembus. In Bhasin V. and Susanne C. 2010.

Books and Book Chapters
Nyariki, D.M., Wasonga, V.O. and J.K. Mworia.
Anthropology Today: Trends and Scope of Human Ecology. Special Vol. No. 5: 147-156. Kamla-RaJ Enterprises, India.

The Economic Contribution of Copyright-Based Industries in Kenya.

Books and Book Chapters
Nyariki Dickson, Wasonga Oliver, Otieno Calleb, Ogadho Eric, Ikutwa Charles, Kithinji Julius
The World Intellectual Property Organization. Geneva, Switzerland.

A Comparative Study of Commercial Consumptive and Non-Consumptive Utilization Options for Wildlife Conservation Strategies in Kenya.

Books and Book Chapters
Nyariki, D. M., P. I.D. Kinyua and V. O. Wasonga
International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW).

Indigenous Techniques of Assessing and Monitoring Range Resources in East Africa.

Books and Book Chapters
Nyariki, D.M., A. Kitalyi, V.O. Wasonga, I. Issae, E. Kyagaba and M. Lugenja.
. Occasional Paper No.2. Nairobi: World Agroforestry Centre.‎

Direct use values of climate-dependent ecosystem services in Isiolo County

Technical Reports
King-Okumu, C, Wasonga, OV, Jarso, I, and Salah, YMS .

Pastoralism pays: new evidence from the Horn of Africa

Technical Reports
Caroline King-Okumu, Oliver Vivian Wasonga and Eshetu Yimer
IIED Briefing. Issue date, October 2015.

Climate risk management and adaptations options for pastoral and agro-pastoral systems in East and Central Africa

Technical Reports
Wasonga V.O.
Technical Report, International for Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)

Livestock Husbandry and Rangeland Management: A feasibility study report for the proposed wildlife conservation project in Northern Kenya funded by the French Development Agency (AFD), the French Fund for the Environment (FFEM) and the Government of Kenya, Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife

Technical Reports
Wasonga V.O.

Helping Pastoralists to Help Themselves. Summary Technical Report on Pastoralists Basket Fund Program (PBFP), CARE International in Tanzania.

Technical Reports
Wasonga V.O., F.O. Juma, E. Massawe

Medicinal Plants of Kajiado: Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on exploitation and conservation of medicinal plants in Mashuru and Namanga Divisions of Kajiado District.

Technical Reports
Wasonga V.O., G. Rukunga, C. Ikutwa

The Lembus forest ecosystem: A socioeconomic baseline survey. Technical report, The world conservation union (IUCN).

Technical Reports
Nyariki, D. M., V. O. Wasonga and J. K. Mworia

Indigenous knowledge and natural resource management systems of the Lembus forest community. Technical report, The world conservation union (IUCN).

Technical Reports
Nyariki, D. M., V. O. Wasonga and J. K. Mworia.

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). 2014. Understanding Community Resilience: Findings from Community-Based Resilience Analysis (CoBRA) Assessments: Marsabit, Turkana and Kajiado counties, Kenya and Karamoja sub-region, Uganda. United Nations Development Programme, Drylands Development Centre. Nairobi.

Invited Review Of Books
Oliver Wasonga

Using Value Chain Approach to Reveal the Total Economic Value of Pastoral Livestock in Isiolo County, Kenya. Presented at the GrassNet SummerSchool 2013, University of Kassel in Witzenhausen, Germany (December 15-18, 2013)

Invited Lectures
Oliver Wasonga

Ethnobotany of wild medicinal plants among the Maasai pastoralists in Kajiado District, Kenya”. Presented at the GrassNet SummerSchool 2012, University of Kassel in Witzenhausen, Germany (18 – 29 September, 2012)

Invited Lectures
Wasonga V.O., G. Rukunga, D. Kurao, S. Chebii, I. Wairimu, S. Mathenge and C. Ikutwa.

“Understanding Adaptation to Climate Change in Pastoral Systems from the context of Resilience: An example from Turkana Pastoralists of North Kenya”. Presented at the GrassNet SummerSchool 2012, University of Kassel in Witzenhausen, Germany (18 - 29 September, 2012)

Invited Lectures
Wasonga V.O. and Kaufmann B.

“Managing the Challenges and Emerging Opportunities of Climate Variability and Change in Kenya’s Drylands”. Presented at the GrassNet SummerSchool 2011, University of Kassel in Witzenhausen, Germany (26 September - 4 October, 2011)

Invited Lectures
Wasonga V.O. and Kaufmann B.

Introduction to healthy rangelands. A paper presented at the National stakeholder workshop to validate the report on "Investing in healthy rangelands in a devolved Kenya" held at Boma-Inn Hotel South-C on 28-29 July 2015. Sponsor: IUCN

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop Proceedings
Oliver Wasonga

Using value Chain approach to estimate economic contribution of pastoralism to Isiolo County presented at a Workshop on the profile and dynamics of the natural resource based economy of Isiolo County organized by International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) and Resource Advocacy Programme (RAP) and County Government of Isiolo on 6th August 2015. Sponsor: IIED

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop ProceedingsSelected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
Wasonga V.O.

Expansion of crop cultivation and the land cover changes in the Borana Rangelands of Southern Ethiopia. Poster presented at the Tropentag 2013 Conference at University of Hohenheim, Institute for Plant Production and Agro-ecology of the Tropics and Subtropics, Stuttgart, Germany (17 – 19 September, 2013).

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop ProceedingsSelected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
iv. Michael Elias, Uwe Richte, Oliver Hensel, Christian Hülsebusch, Brigitte Kaufmann and Oliver Wasonga

Contributions of wild edible plants to diet of pastoral areas of Kajiado County, Kenya. Poster presented at the Tropentag 2013 Conference at University of Hohenheim, Institute for Plant Production and Agro-ecology of the Tropics and Subtropics, Stuttgart, Germany (17 – 19 September, 2013).

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop ProceedingsSelected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
Mwanaima Rhajab, Oliver Wasonga, Christian Hülsebusch, Brigitte Kaufmnann

. Contribution of wild medicinal plants to health care of pastoral livelihoods in Kajiado County, Kenya. Poster presented at the Tropentag 2013 Conference at University of Hohenheim, Institute for Plant Production and Agro-ecology of the Tropics and Subtropics, Stuttgart, Germany (17 – 19 September, 2013).

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop ProceedingsSelected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
Jie Zhang, Oliver Wasonga, Christian Hülsebusch, Brigitte Kaufmnann

“Adapting or Coping? An analysis of Pastoralists’ Responses to Extreme Climatic Events in Northwestern Kenya”. Poster presented at the Tropentag 2012 Conference at the University of Gottingen, Germany (18 - 21September, 2012)

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop ProceedingsSelected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
Wasonga V.O., Opiyo F.E, Nyangito M., Hueselbusch C.

“Pastoral Vulnerability to Climate Change in Kenya: The Undermined Adaptive Strategies”. Presented at the conference on Environmental concerns of Climate Change with respect to Sustainable Livelihoods in Eastern Africa organized by the Eastern Africa Environmental Network (EAEN), AMREF International Training Centre (24-25 May, 2008)

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop ProceedingsSelected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
Wasonga V.O., D.M. Nyariki and Amwata D.

“Assessing the efficacy of enclosures in ecological restoration of degraded rangelands in northern Kenya”. Poster presented at the Sixth Student Conference on Conservation Science organized by British Ecological Society, Centre for Applied Biodiversity Science and Conservation International at the University of Cambridge (15-21 March, 2006)

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop ProceedingsSelected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
Wasonga V.O., Ngugi K. and D.M. Nyariki.

Traditional Range Condition and Trend Assessment: Lessons from the Pokot and Il Chamus Pastoralists of Kenya. Presented at the workshop on Documentation of indigenous techniques of assessing and monitoring range resource organized by Regional Land Management Unit (RELMA at ICRAF) at Novotel Mout Meru Hotel, Arusha (20-23 February, 2002)

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop ProceedingsSelected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
Wasonga V.O.

Differences of Soil Properties between Planned and Unplanned Grazing Sites in Semi-Arid Pastoral Rangelands of Northern Kenya

Papers in refereed journals
Lutta Alphayo, Dr. Oliver V. Wasonga,Dr. Wilfred O. Odadi,Robinson K. Ngugi

Effects of holistic grazing management on milk production, weight gain, and visitation to grazing areas by livestock and wildlife in Laikipia County, Kenya

Papers in refereed journals
Priscilla K. Lalampaa, Oliver V. Wasonga, Daniel I. Rubenstein and Jesse T. Njoka

Community perceptions on spatio-temporal land use changes in the Amboseli ecosystem, southern Kenya

Papers in refereed journals
Kennedy Sakimba Kimiti, Oliver Vivian Wasonga, David Western and Judith Syombua Mbau

Fodder production for enhanced pastoral and agro-pastoral resilience in the drylands of Southern Kenya.

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop Proceedings
Wasonga, O.V.,Ngoyawu, W. M. & Elhadi, Y.A.M.2017

Grass seed value chain analysis in the Southern Kenya range lands of Makueni and Kajiado counties

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop Proceedings
Omollo, E.,Wasonga, O. V., Elhadi, Y. A .M. & Mnene, W. N

Fifth RUFORUM Biennial Regional Conference, 17-21 October 2016, Cape Town, South Africa. RUFORUM Working Document Series (ISSN 1607-9345) No. 14 (2): 645 – 651. Available from

Community perception of importance, trends, and variations of indigenous grasses in Southern Kenya

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop Proceedings
Ndung’u, P. L. N., Wasonga, O.V., Mnene, W. N., Koech, O.K. & Elhadi,Y. A. M.

Fifth RUFORUM Biennial Regional Conference, 17-21 October 2016, Cape Town, South Africa. RUFORUM Working Document Series (ISSN 1607-9345) No. 14 (2): 807 – 817. Available from

Ecological and socio-economic evaluation of dryland agroforestry systems in East Africa

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop Proceedings
Syano, N.M., Wasonga, O.V., Nyangito, M., Kironchi, G. & Egeru, A

RUFORUM Working Document Series (ISSN 1607-9345) No. 14 (1): 525-535. Available from

Socio-Cultural Foundations and Characteristics of Well-Functioning Pastoral Community Groups in Northern Kenya

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop ProceedingsSelected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
Raphael Arasio, Brigitte Kaufmann, David Otieno, Oliver Wasonga.

The Emic View. Proceedings of Tropentag, 2017 conference “Future Agriculture: Social-ecological transitions and bio-cultural shifts”. Held in University of Bonn, Germany in September 20 – 22, 2017.

Characterizing Stratified Cattle Production as Option for Enhancing Market Outlet for Lean Animals from Pastoral Areas of Kenya

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop ProceedingsSelected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
Bulle Hallo Dabasso, Oliver Wasonga, Patrick Irungu, Brigitte Kaufmann

conference “Future Agriculture: Social-ecological transitions and bio-cultural shifts”. Held in University of Bonn, Germany in September 20 – 22, 2017.

A Climate Risk Management Framework for Kenya. Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation at National and County Levels.

Books and Book Chapters

Government of Kenya. 2016. A Climate Risk Management Framework for Kenya. Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation at National and County Levels. Republic of Kenya, the National Drought Management Authority, Directorate of Special Programmes, and the State Department of Planning.

Effects of Post Eviction Resettlement on Land-Use and Cover Change in Uganda’s Oil Exploration Areas. Journal of Environmental Protection

Papers in refereed journals
Joseph Ssekandi, John Mburu, Oliver Wasonga, Laban Macopiyo, Francis Charles

Resilience Enhancing Characteristics of Land Eviction-Displaced Communities in Uganda’s Oil Exploration Areas

Papers in refereed journals
Joseph Ssekandi, John Mburu, Oliver Wasonga, Laban Macopiyo, Francis Charles

Non-timber forest products and their contribution to households’ income around Falgore Game Reserve in Kano, Nigeria. Ecological Processes

Papers in refereed journals
Muhammad Sabiu Suleiman, Oliver Vivian Wasonga, Judith Syombua Mbau, Yazan Ahmed Elhadi

Spatial and temporal analysis of forest cover change in Falgore Game Reserve in Kano, Nigeria. Ecological Processes

Papers in refereed journals
Muhammad Sabiu Suleiman, Oliver Vivian Wasonga, Judith Syombua Mbau, Yazan Ahmed Elhadi

Role of camel milk in pastoral livelihoods in Kenya: contribution to household diet and income. Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice

Papers in refereed journals
Yazan Ahmed Elhadi, Dickson M Nyariki, Oliver V Wasonga. 2015

Determiannts of forage availability: An integration of remote sensing and traditional ecological knowledge in Karamoja Sub-region, Uganda. Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice. Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice

Papers in refereed journals
Anthony Egeru, Oliver Wasonga, Laban MacOpiyo, John Mburu, Elhadi Yazan, Mwanjalolo G.J. Majaliwa and Yazidhi Bamutaze

Climate Risk and Food Security Atlas for the Horn of Africa.

Invited Review Of Books


Land Cover and Soil Properties Influence on Forage Quantity in a Semiarid Region in East Africa

Papers in refereed journals
Anthony Egeru, Oliver Wasonga, Geoffrey Gabiri, Laban MacOpiyo, John Mburu, and Jackson Gilbert Mwanjalolo Majaliwa
Applied and Environmental Soil Science Volume 2019, Article ID 6874268, 15 pages

Economic valuation of grazing management practices: Discrete choice modeling in pastoral systems of Kenya

Papers in refereed journals
Alphayo I. Lutta, Lance W. Robinson, Oliver V. Wasonga, Eric Ruto, Jason Sircely, and Moses M. Nyangito
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2019. Vol. 0, No. 0, 1–17

Land conversion is changing the landscape in the semi-arid Kapir catchment, northeastern Uganda

Papers in refereed journals
Osaliya. R., O. V. Wasonga., J. G. M. Mwanjalolo., G. Kironchi and E. Adipala
African Journal of Rural Development, Vol. 3(3): 2019: pp... ISSN 2415-2838

Understanding the emergence and evolution of pastoral community groups from the perspective of community members and external development actors in northern Kenya.

Papers in refereed journals
Raphael Lotira Arasio, Brigitte Kaufmann, David Jakinda Otieno, Oliver Vivian Wasonga.
Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics Vol. 119 No. 2 (2018) 53–66.

Stratified cattle production in pastoral areas of Kenya: Existing forms, driving factors and management practices

Papers in refereed journals
Bulle Hallo Dabasso, Oliver Vivian Wasonga, Patrick Irungu, Brigitte Kaufmann.
Applied Animal Husbandry & Rural Development 2018, Volume 11.

Determinants of pastoral and agro-pastoral households’ participation in fodder production in Makueni and Kajiado Counties, Kenya

Papers in refereed journals
Erick Ouma Omollo, Oliver Vivian Wasonga, Mohammed Yazan Elhadi and William Ngoyawu Mnene.
Pastoralism Research, Policy and Practice20188:9

Impacts of long-term land-use changes on herd size and mobility among pastoral households in Amboseli ecosystem, Kenya

Papers in refereed journals
Kennedy Sakimba Kimiti, David Western, Judith Syombua Mbau and Oliver Vivian Wasonga.
Ecological Processes (2018) 7:4 DOI 10.1186/s13717-018-0115-y
  1. . . .

Training Manual for Mainstreaming Climate Risk Management in National and County Planning in Kenya: A Facilitator’s Guide. National Drought Management Authority, Ministry of Devolution and ASALs, Republic of Kenya

Books and Book Chapters
Government of Kenya

Africa Climate Change Adaptation Initiative

Books and Book Chapters
Oliver Wasonga

Chapter in: “Co-producing knowledge on food systems for development in Africa”. 2019. Africa Climate Change Adaptation Initiative (ACCAI).


Chapter in: “Agriculture and Ecosystem Resilience in Sub Saharan Africa: Livelihood Pathways Under Changing Climate”

Books and Book Chapters
Oliver Wasonga
Springer Publishers

Chapter in: “Agriculture and Ecosystem Resilience in Sub Saharan Africa: Livelihood Pathways Under Changing Climate”. 2019. Springer Publishers

Factors Influencing Livestock Exports in Somaliland’s Terminal Markets.

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop Proceedings
Ahmed M. Musa, Oliver V. Wasonga, Nadhem Mtimet
In AGRO 2019 Secretariat. AGRO 2019 Conference and Exhibition, 22nd to 24th October 2019. Book of Peer Reviewed Abstracts.

Woody Plant Species Composition and Diversity in Rusinga Island, Homa Bay County, Kenya.

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop Proceedings
Margeret N.Nyaga, Stephen M. Mureithi, Oliver V. Wasonga, and Oscar K. Koech.
In AGRO 2019 Secretariat. AGRO 2019 Conference and Exhibition, 22nd to 24th October 2019. Book of Peer Reviewed Abstracts.

A nutritional analysis of ecotypes of Digitaria macroblephara at different phenological stages in Southern Kenya.

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop Proceedings
Patricia Luiza N. Ndung’u, Oliver V. Wasonga, William N. Mnene, Oscar K. Koech
In AGRO 2019 Secretariat. AGRO 2019 Conference and Exhibition, 22nd to 24th October 2019. Book of Peer Reviewed Abstracts.

Analysis of Charcoal Value Chain in Semi-Arid Central Pokot, Kenya. 2019. In AGRO 2019 Secretariat.

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop Proceedings
Sharon Teyie, Oliver Vivian Wasonga, Christoph Bergmann
AGRO 2019 Conference and Exhibition, 22nd to 24th October 2019. Book of Peer Reviewed Abstracts.

Effects of indigenous range grasses on soil erosion in a semi-arid environment in southern Kenya.

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop Proceedings
Hannah Nyakio, Oscar Koech, Stephen Mureithi, Oliver Wasonga, Venancia Wambua.
In AGRO 2019 Secretariat. AGRO 2019 Conference and Exhibition, 22nd to 24th October 2019. Book of Peer Reviewed Abstracts.

Charcoal Production Undermines Vegetation Productivity and Diversity in Semi-Arid Rangelands: Evidence from Central Pokot, Kenya.

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop Proceedings
Fredrick Ochieng Otieno, Oliver Vivian Wasonga, Christoph Bergmann, Geoffrey Kironchi
In AGRO 2019 Secretariat. AGRO 2019 Conference and Exhibition, 22nd to 24th October 2019. Book of Peer Reviewed Abstracts.

Effects of Charcoal Burning on Soil Chemical Properties in Semi-Arid Environments of Northwestern Kenya.

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop Proceedings
Fredrick Ochieng Otieno, Oliver Vivian Wasonga, Christoph Bergmann, Geoffrey Kironchi
In AGRO 2019 Secretariat. AGRO 2019 Conference and Exhibition, 22nd to 24th October 2019. Book of Peer Reviewed Abstracts.

Characterization of Fodder Value Chain Actors in Southern Rangelands of Kenya: Understanding Roles, Interaction and Influence in Decision-Making.

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop Proceedings
Erick Omollo, Oliver Vivian Wasonga, Danny Simatele.
In AGRO 2019 Secretariat. AGRO 2019 Conference and Exhibition, 22nd to 24th October 2019. Book of Peer Reviewed Abstracts.

Agroforestry Practices and Factors influencing their Adoption by Households in the Drylands of Eastern Kenya..

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop Proceedings
Nicholas Syano Mutuku, Moses M. Nyangito, Geoffrey Kironchi, Oliver Vivian Wasonga
In AGRO 2019 Secretariat. AGRO 2019 Conference and Exhibition, 22nd to 24th October 2019. Book of Peer Reviewed Abstracts.

How Pastoralists Fulfil Market Requirements and Make Sales Under Stratified Cattle Production System in Kenya.

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop Proceedings
Bulle Hallo Dabasso, Oliver Vivian Wasonga.
In AGRO 2019 Secretariat. AGRO 2019 Conference and Exhibition, 22nd to 24th October 2019. Book of Peer Reviewed Abstracts.

Analysis of Herd Structure and Opportunities for Urban and Peri-Urban Pastoralism in Nairobi City.

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop Proceedings
Walter Magero Wafula, Oliver Vivian Wasonga, Staline Kibet and Oscar Kipchirchir Koech.
In AGRO 2019 Secretariat. AGRO 2019 Conference and Exhibition, 22nd to 24th October 2019. Book of Peer Reviewed Abstracts.

illingness to Pay for Sustainable Grazing Management Practices in Pastoral Systems of Kenya.

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop Proceedings
Alphayo I. Lutta, Oliver Vivian Wasonga, Lance W. Robinson, Moses M. Nyangito.
In AGRO 2019 Secretariat. AGRO 2019 Conference and Exhibition, 22nd to 24th October 2019. Book of Peer Reviewed Abstracts.

Understanding the emergence and evolution of pastoral community groups from the perspective of community members and external development actors in northern Kenya.

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop Proceedings
Raphael Lotira Arasioa, Brigitte Kaufmann, David Jakinda Otieno and Oliver Vivian Wasonga. 2019.
In AGRO 2019 Secretariat. AGRO 2019 Conference and Exhibition, 22nd to 24th October 2019. Book of Peer Reviewed Abstracts

Greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sink potential in Eastern Africa rangeland ecosystems: A review. Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice

Papers in refereed journals
Michael Elias Mgalula, Oliver Vivian Wasonga, Christian Hülsebusch, Uwe Richter and Oliver Hensel

Emerging pastoralist practices for fulfilling market requirements under stratified cattle production systems in Kenya's drylands. Animal Production Science.

Papers in refereed journals
Bulle Hallo Dabasso, Oliver Vivian Wasonga, Patrick Irungu and Brigitte Kaufmann

Brokerage in the borderlands: the political economy of livestock intermediaries in northern Kenya, Journal of Eastern African Studies

Papers in refereed journals
Ong'ao P. Ng'asike , Tobias Hagmann & Oliver V. Wasonga

Adoption of water harvesting technologies among agro-pastoralists in semi-arid rangelands of South Eastern Kenya

Papers in refereed journals
Alphayo I. Lutta, Oliver Vivian Wasonga, Moses M. Nyangito, Falendra Kumar Sudan and Lance W. Robinson

5. Alphayo I. Lutta, Oliver Vivian Wasonga, Moses M. Nyangito, Falendra Kumar Sudan and Lance W. Robinson. 2020. Adoption of water harvesting technologies among agro-pastoralists in semi-arid rangelands of South Eastern Kenya. Environmental Systems Research (2020) 9:36.

Predicted Land Use and Land Cover Outlook for Semi-Arid Lokere and Lokok Catchments in Karamoja Region, Uganda

Papers in refereed journals
Osaliya R., O.V. Wasonga, J-G. Majaliwa Mwanjalolo, L. Macopiyo, G. Kironchi And E. Adipala
African Crop Science Journal, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 595 – 616

Determinants of livestock market participation among pastoral communities of Tana River County, Kenya. Environment, Development and Sustainability.

Papers in refereed journals
Alphayo I. Lutta, Oliver V. Wasonga, Lance W. Robinson, Moses M. Nyangito, Jason Sircely

7. . 2020.

Socio-cultural and governance foundations of successful income-generating groups in pastoral societies: Evidence from northern Kenya. Community Development

Papers in refereed journals
Raphael Lotira Arasio , Brigitte Kaufmann , Oliver Vivian Wasonga & David Jakinda Otieno

Factors influencing livestock export in Somaliland’s terminal markets. Pastoralism Research, Policy and Practice

Papers in refereed journals
Ahmed M. Musa, Oliver V. Wasonga, Nadhem Mtimet

Stratified Livestock Production Adds Value to Pastoral Cattle: Evidence from the Drylands of Kenya.

Papers in refereed journals
Bulle Hallo Dabasso, Oliver Vivian Wasonga, Patrick Irungu and Brigitte Kaufmann.
Anim. Hlth. Prod. Afr., (2019), 67, 101-113

Mapping and characterization of stakeholders in the fodder value chain in Southern Rangelands of Kenya: Understanding their roles, interactions and influences

Papers in refereed journals
Erick Ouma Omollo, Stanley Odhiambo Jawuoro, Oliver Vivian Wasonga, and Danny Simatele
Journal of Agricultural Science and Practice. Volume 4(5), pages 151-164, October 2019. ISSN: 2536-7072.

Effect of banana peels on chicken weight gain and egg production in the urban and peri-urban

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop Proceedings
Haileselassie G.A., Gebrechristos, S.G., Wasonga
RUFORUM Working Document Series (ISSN 1607-9345), 2018, No. 17 (2): 605-610

Examining Land Use and Cover Change Along the Great Ruaha River Catchments in Southern Tanzania with Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques 1986 – 2015

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop ProceedingsSelected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
Michael Elias,Uwe Richter,Christian Hülsebusch, Oliver Wasonga, Richard Y. M. Kangalawe
Proceedings of Tropentag Conference, 2017

Historical analysis of government policies and programmes on pastoral livestock marketing in Kenya: lessons for future planning.

Papers in refereed journals
Dabasso, B.H., Wasonga, O.V. and Irungu, P.
African Journal of Rural Development 3 (4): 1035-1042.

17. .

Assessment of mobility dynamics and re-settlement outcomes of land evictees in Uganda’s oil exploration areas; the case of Hoima and Buliisa Districts.

Papers in refereed journals
Joseph Ssekandi, Mburu John, Wasonga Oliver.
Global Advanced Research Journal of Educational Research and Review (ISSN: 2315-5132) Vol. 6(3) pp. 047-054, August, 2017

Drought-COVID-19 Interface: Insights for Post Pandemic Recovery in Pastoral Systems.

Selected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
Oliver Vivian Wasonga.
The 7th WASAG Webinar on “Pandemics/Epidemics, Drought and Agriculture: Building back better”, organized the Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG) working group on “Drought Preparedness at FAO Land and Water Division, in collaboration with Integrated Drought Management Programme (IDMP) and UNCCD Drought Initiative, on 10 July 2020, 15.00-16.30

Bio-Physical Dynamics and Pastoral Resilience Nexus in the Drylands of IGAD Region.

Selected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
Oliver Vivian Wasonga
Workshop on Strengthening Collaboration of Existing National Drought Resilience Research Institutions Network Pathways within the IGAD Region, held at Double Tree Hotel, Hilton, Nairobi on February 24-26th, 2020.

Dryland Research Priority Areas for Kenya.

Selected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
Oliver Vivian Wasonga
Workshop on Strengthening Collaboration of Existing National Drought Resilience Research Institutions Network Pathways within the IGAD Region, held at Double Tree Hotel, Hilton, Nairobi on February 24-26th, 2020.

Costs and Benefits of Sustainable Rangeland Management Practices in Northern Kenya

Selected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
Lutta I.A., Wasonga V.O., Karanja R., Saalu F., Njiru J.
Workshop on Economics of Land Degradation, Kenya National Policy Workshop on March 10, 2020, held at Jacaranda Hotel Nairobi.

Co-funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) under “Reversing Land Degradation in Africa by Scaling-up EverGreen Agriculture” (Regreening Africa) project.

Natural Resource Management and Livelihoods in Drylands of Kenya.

Selected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
liver Vivian Wasonga.
Regional Consultative Workshop on Applied Research on Integrated Natural Resources Management (NRM) Project Initiatives and Livelihood Diversification, December 17-19, 2019, Bishoftu, Ethiopia.

Regional Rangeland Management Strategic Framework for IGAD Region: Challenges, Opportunities and Suggested Interventions.

Selected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
Oliver Wasonga
Validation Workshop for Regional Rangeland Management Strategy held on 5 -6th August, 2019 at Bamburi Beach Hotel, Mombasa.

National Stakeholders Consultation Workshop on Rangeland and Pastoralism Strategy. Regional Rangeland Management Strategy: Challenges and Suggested Interventions in IGAD Region.

Selected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
Oliver Wasonga.
Held at Bomen Hotel, Isiolo town on 26th – 27th Feb, 2019

Indigenous Knowledge on Uses, Availability Trends and Variations of Indigenous Grass Species in Southern Kenya.

Selected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
Patricia Ndung’u,Oliver Wasonga,William Mnene, Yazan Elhadi,Oscar Koech.
Proceedings of Tropentag Cnference, 2017.

Mapping cropland evolution based on biophysical data and cropping history in the Borana rangelands, Southern Ethiopia. Regional Environmental Change

Papers in refereed journals
Michael Elias Mgalula, Uwe Richter, Oliver Hensel, Oliver Vivian Wasonga, Christian Hülsebusch.

Mapping cropland evolution based on biophysical data and cropping history in the Borana rangelands, Southern Ethiopia. Regional Environmental Change

Herders’ Perspectives on Climate Variability and Livestock Diseases Trends in the Semiarid Rangelands of Northern Kenya.

Papers in refereed journals
2. Lelenguyah, Geoffrey, Moses Nyangito, Oliver Wasonga, and Rawlynce Bett.
The International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses 15 (2): 69-88

Low public participation and weak rules threaten exclosure sustainability in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia.

Papers in refereed journals
Haileselassie Ghebremariam Araya, Oliver Vivian Wasonga, Stephen Mureithi Emiru, Birhane, Nadhem Mtimet
Socio-Ecological Practice Research. Vol.(0123456789)1 3

Use value of indigenous range grass species in pastoral northern Kenya.

Papers in refereed journals
Erick Ouma Omollo, Oliver Vivian Wasonga and Evans L. Chimoita.
Ethnobotany Research and Applications 25:16(2023)

Morphological and productivity responses of Buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris) and Guinea grass (Panicum maximum) ecotypes to simulated grazing in a semi‐arid environment

Papers in refereed journals
Bosco Kidake Kisambo, Oliver V. Wasonga, Oscar K. Koech, George N. Karuku.
Grassland Research

Factors influencing migration and settlement of pastoralists in Nairobi City, Kenya. Pastoralism

Papers in refereed journals
Walter Magero Wafula, Oliver Vivian Wasonga, Oscar Kipchirchir Koech and Staline Kibet.
Research, Policy and Practice (2022) 12:2

 Community Perceptions and Attitudes towards Protected Area Conservation Approach: Empirical Evidence from Falgore Game Reserve in Kano State, Nigeria.

Papers in refereed journals
Sulaiman M.S. and Oliver V. Wasonga.
Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol. 17 No. 1, 2021: 49-66

From Cows to Camels

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop Proceedings
Oliver Vivian Wasonga, Staline Kibet.

Analsysis of Livestock Market Actors in Dagoretti Market

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop Proceedings
Walter Magero Wafula & Oliver Vivian Wasonga
Nairobi. International Grassland & Rangeland Congress

Willingness to Pay for Sustainable Grazing Management Practices in Pastoral Systems of Kenya

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop Proceedings
Alphayo I. Lutta, Oliver Vivian Wasonga, Lance W. Robinson, Moses M. Nyangito
n AGRO 2019 Secretariat. AGRO 2019 Conference and Exhibition

An assessment of the nutritional quality of ecotypes of Digitaria macroblephara at different phenological stages in southern Kenya.

Refereed Papers Published in Workshop Proceedings
Ndung’u, P.L.N., Wasonga, O.V., Mnene, W.N. & Koech, O.K.
RUFORUM Working Document Series (ISSN 1607-9345), 2018, No. 17 (1):459-465

Indigenous Early Warning in Karamoja, Uganda: Application, Validity, and Entry Points for Integration with Conventional Forecasts. Karamoja Resilience Support Unit, Feinstein International Center, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University, Kampala.

Technical Reports
Wasonga, O. V., and R. L. Arasio

Drought Risk and Adaptation in the Horn of Africa. Drought & Water Resources in Drylands Workshop

Selected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
Oliver Vivian Wasonga
Organized By Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), Vrije University, Amsterdam on September 7 – 9, 2022 in Amsterdam.

Research Focus & Interests in the Drylands. Invited Lecture for Postgraduate Students taking Climate Impact Policy Course

Selected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
Oliver Vivian Wasonga
Global Environmental Change and Policy, and Environmental Resource Management; & Water Risks course at IVM. Held on September 11– 12, 2022 in Amsterdam.

Camel Milk Value Chain in Isiolo: Camel Distribution, Opportunities and Challenges. Development of Camel Milk Value Chain Strategy.

Selected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
Oliver Vivian Wasonga
Held at Meru Slopes Hotel on April 4-8, 2022.

Situation Analysis of Climate Adaptation in the Drylands of Africa. Enhancing Climate Actions on Land in Africa.

Selected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
Oliver Vivian Wasonga
Held in Livingstone, Zambia on March 30-April 8

Working with environmental variability for enhanced water and food security in the ASALs of Kenya

Selected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
Oliver Vivian Wasonga
Held at Kadolta Lodge, Kajiado on March 21st to 25th, 2022

Situation Analysis of Climate Smart Agriculture Adoption in Kenya. Climate-Smart Agriculture in Kenya: Practices, Related Policies and Infusion in Universities’ Academic Programmes.

Selected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
Oliver Vivian Wasonga
The Seventh African Higher Education Week and RUFORUM Triennial Conference. Held in Contonou, Benin on December 09 -13, 2021.

Pastoral Production System and Climate Change Adaption. Sensitization & Stake-holder Engagement workshop of Down2Earth Project Partners.

Selected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
Oliver Vivian Wasonga
Held at El Boran Hotel, Isiolo on October 11-15, 2021. 

Drought-COVID-19 Interface: Insights for Post Pandemic Recovery in Pastoral Systems.

Selected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
Oliver Vivian Wasonga
The 7th WASAG Webinar on “Pandemics/Epidemics, Drought and Agriculture: Building back better”, organized the Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG) working group on “Drought Preparedness at FAO Land and Water Division, in collaboration with Integrated Drought Management Programme (IDMP) and UNCCD Drought Initiative, on 10 July 2020, 15.00-16.30 CEST.

Bio-Physical Dynamics and Pastoral Resilience Nexus in the Drylands of IGAD Region

Selected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
Oliver Vivian Wasonga
Workshop on Strengthening Collaboration of Existing National Drought Resilience Research Institutions Network Pathways within the IGAD Region, held at Double Tree Hotel, Hilton, Nairobi on February 24-26th, 2020.

Dryland Research Priority Areas for Kenya. Workshop on Strengthening Collaboration of Existing National Drought Resilience Research Institutions Network Pathways within the IGAD Region

Selected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
Oliver Vivian Wasonga
held at Double Tree Hotel, Hilton, Nairobi on February 24-26th, 2020

European Union and the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) under “Reversing Land Degradation in Africa by Scaling-up EverGreen Agriculture” (Regreening Africa) project.

Selected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
Lutta I.A., Wasonga V.O., Karanja R., Saalu F., Njiru J.
Workshop on Economics of Land Degradation, Kenya National Policy Workshop on March 10, 2020, held at Jacaranda Hotel Nairobi.

2020. Presented a paper on “Costs and Benefits of Sustainable Rangeland Management Practices in Northern Kenya. Co-funded by the

Natural Resource Management and Livelihoods in Drylands of Kenya. Regional Consultative Workshop on Applied Research on Integrated Natural Resources Management (NRM) Project Initiatives and Livelihood Diversification

Selected Presentations In Workshops & Conferences
Oliver Vivian Wasonga. 2019
December 17-19, 2019, Bishoftu, Ethiopia
College of Agriculture & Veterinary Science, University of Nairobi
African Dryland Institute for Sustainability , University of Nairobi