Re-Packing Indigenous Knowledge to Inform Policy, Development and Pastoral Community Action in Kenya (PIK)

PIK is a one (1) year (July 2016 – December, 2017) project funded by the Christensen Fund. The project is implemented by the University of Nairobi in partnership with a community-based organization, Resource Advocacy Programme (RAP) based in Isiolo County.

It covers Marsabit, Samburu and Isiolo Counties and seeks to review indigenous knowledge (IK) of pastoralists in northern Kenya with the view of increasing its awareness, understanding and use both at community and decision makers’ levels.

 The project seeks to improve use of IK both at community and decision makers’ level by increasing awareness and understanding among the youth (through illustrative booklets); by policy makers (through policy briefs); and dissemination of IK through peer reviewed journals (scientific papers) targeting scholars as foundation for demand-led further research. The sensitization among the youth is expected to restore confidence of the new generation in IK and therefore promote its use at local level. Policy briefs are expected to create awareness among the decision makers, which is in turn is intended to promote formulation of policies that recognize IK, as well as allocation of resources for its promotion and use. All these are expected to attach value to IK as an important resource in conserving biological and cultural diversity and therefore encourage the recognition of principles of intellectual property to ensure the proper protection and use of indigenous traditional knowledge and products derived from it.

The principal Investogator (Dr. Oliver Wasonga) works with a research team comprising Dr. Staline Kibet, Lutta Alphayo, Bakari Maunguja all from UoN and Ibrahim Jarso from (RAP).

College of Agriculture & Veterinary Science, University of Nairobi
African Dryland Institute for Sustainability , University of Nairobi