1. German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ) through the Economics of Land Degradrtion (ELD) initative project.
  2. University of East Anglia: Collaboration through Adaptation at Scale in Semi-Arid Regions (ASSAR) project
  3. Univerity of Newcastle: Collaboration through Foundations for climate resilient and sustainable growing settlements (U-RES) project
  4. University of Kwazulu Natal: Collaboration through U-RES project
  5. OXFAM GB: Collaboration through ASSAR and U_RES projects
  6. University of Addis Ababa: Collaboration through ASSAR consortium
  7. University of Cape town: Collaboration through ASSAR consortium
  8. The German Institute for Tropical and Sub-Tropical Agriculture (DITSL) at University of Kassel, Witzenhausen: Collaboration through Post-doctoral Fellowship-DAAD GrassNet Project and Reduction of Post-Harvest Losses and Value Addition in East African Food Value Chains (RELOAD) project
  9. University of Hohenheim, Germany: Collaboration through RELOAD project and DAAD GrassNet Project
  10. The World Conservation Union (IUCN): Collaboration through the Sustainable Dryland Landscapes (SDL) Programme-in Drafting and Reviewing of the Report on “ “Investing in Healthy Rangelands in Devolved Kenya: Ecological, Social, Economic Governance towards an inclusive Green Economy”.
  11. Egerton University, Kenya : Collaboration through RELOAD project and DAAD GrassNet Project
  12. TUFT University, Ethiopia: Collaboration through Economic Valuation (TEV) Pastoralism Project
  13. Jimma University, Ethiopia: Collaboration through RELOAD project
  14. The International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED). Collaboration through Total Economic Valuation (TEV) Pastoralism Project in Isiolo; and Postgraduate Programme on Dryland Policy and Climate Change Adaptation (under review)
  15. Ambo University, Ethiopia: Collaboration through RELOAD project
  16. Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO), Kiboko Research Station through Fodder Production for Enhanced Pastoral and Agro-Pastoral Resilience in the Drylands of Kenya (PREPARED) project
  17. Resource Advocacy Programme: Collaboration through Re-Packing Indigenous Knowledge to Inform Policy, Development and Pastoral Community Action in Kenya (PIK) project
  18. Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Development, Makueni and Kajiado Counties. Collaboration through PREPARED project
College of Agriculture & Veterinary Science, University of Nairobi
African Dryland Institute for Sustainability , University of Nairobi